Selasa, 17 April 2012

Domdom soft downloader , easy way to downlaod manga

I love to read manga . That's why I always use Domdom to download manga like Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn and Code breaker .You can also download manga from mangatraders but I think it more convenient using domdom because :
  • you can download manga /chapter while in mangatraders you should download /volume.
  • it's more quick  
  • if you cancel the incomplete download from mangatraders, the file can't be open.
Domdom is great , but you should know that you can't download certain manga because :
  • That manga has been licensed
  • No one upload that manga

That's all I want to say . thank you for reading .

If you want to download domdom , please click here .

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